Hi people! Do you have a favourite movie?

If you think about it, that question is one of the most typical set phrases to break the ice with a person you're meeting, but tell me honstly, do you really have ONLY ONE favourite movie?

I think that's a extremly dificult question to answer, because there are a lot of very good films (with diferent genres, topics, styles, etc.) to put one above the others. Instead I prefer to talk you about the last movie I really enyoyed: Fargo.

Fargo is a 1995 thriller film made by cohen brothers wich tell us the history of Jerry Lundegaard, an indebted car seller who hired two thieves to make a fake kidnapping of his own wife, becasuse he had the plan to steal the money of her succeful father as a reward... a plan which finished in a terrible way for jerry and, also, for all his family (I will not talk you more becasuse i don't want to say spoilers).

I think the plot, the castin, the atmosphere and even the soundtrack of this film are simply amazing. Also the cohen brothers mixed the thriller with black humor and absourd situations, wich give a really autentic air to the film.

If you give it the oprotunity I’m sure you will love it! HAVE A NICE DAY! <3


  1. Have you seen the series Fargo??? it's not the same story, but it's the same universe, it's awesome. If you enjoyed the movie, you will enjoy the series as well. Great pick!

  2. the 80's thriller movies are so great, the type of fear was so different

  3. I can't watch any thriller i'm so afraid of them sjjsj but i think it's great that an older movie still have an impact in people

  4. I like psychological thriller, have you seen "I think in the end"? I recommend

  5. I did not know about its existence and with your review it makes me want to see the film, without a doubt I will have it written down on my list!

  6. Fargo is an absurdly good movie, it keeps you on track from start to finish. Excellent.

  7. Fargo is too good, I think it's the best psychological thriller I've ever seen, the sensation that gives you the movie is so captivating.

  8. Thanks for the recommendation, for how you describe it should be entertaining, watching a movie at some point. And you are right, it is hard to just have one favorite movie hahaha


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